Added value from

ZeroWaste Environmental Reporting

  • Centralised management of waste information.
  • Diverse complete reports.
  • Waste management emission calculation.

ZeroWaste Environmental Reporting

What kinds of operators does ZeroWaste Environmental Reporting suit the best?

ZeroWaste Environmental Reporting is suitable for all operators looking to optimise their waste management costs. The software is a particularly good tool for organisations that want to compare the waste management efficiency of two or more facilities, and that cooperate with multiple waste management operators. Organisations that use the software save an average of 15–40% in waste management costs each year.

What are the benefits of environmental reporting?

Organisations, which receive property waste data from multiple waste management operators, find that the overall management, comparability and report utilisations are often challenging. ZeroWaste Environmental Reporting waste data from all operators in the same place, which ensures that organisation can use the environmental reporting software to compare the efficiency of waste management operators, optimise the pick-up frequencies of various waste fractions and easily create diverse reports on the carbon dioxide emissions caused by waste transport and processing, for example. Most of all, the software provides hard data and tools for decision-making.

How does environmental reporting promote responsibility work?

ZeroWaste helps reduce the hours spent on responsibility and environmental reporting and increase the availability of data of reporting. The software includes numerous ready-made reports that the organisation can directly use for responsibility work. In addition to this, the reporting tools of the software can be customised based on customer-specific needs.

Is the ZeroWastes software intended for monitoring waste management only?

Information on waste and energy consumption in the organisation’s facilities can also be included in the software. The software also enables monitoring waste management emissions and creating related reports.

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