Destia – Finland’s largest infrastructure service company has implemented an electronic ZeroWaste Transfer Document at its sites.
The electronic ZeroWaste Transfer document became available to Destia at the beginning of 2023 for all construction sites. With the help of ZeroWaste, Destia responsibly handles the new electronic transfer document obligation in accordance with the Waste Act and the transfer of transfer documents to the SIIRTO register. At the same time, even more accurate waste reporting on construction sites will be handled in the future.
Enpros Oy took care of the implementation of the transfer document system and the entire trainings on a fast schedule. “The first month of using ZeroWaste is now over. Overall, clear and easy to use, and serves Destia’s needs excellently.” sums up the group’s environmental manager Hanna Haukilahti.
“I thank Destia for the trust, and at the same time I can state that the ZeroWaste transfer document is suitable for all companies, sole proprietors and Finland’s largest – Destia, even in the infrastructure side in Finland.” says sales director Juuso Aaltonen from ZeroWaste.